DOC1 is a client-server electronic document preparation system that provides users with the link between their customer databases and printed documents. It lets the user transform routine printing applications (such as statements, invoices, policies and repetive correspondence) into high-impact, personalized marketing tools. With the look and feel of one-on-one communication, the user can cross-market products and services to selected customers utilizing the data already available in account files. And, DOC1 can produce a document in the language of choice for each individual client. The user designs his communication on an OS/2-based PC using the Applications Design Facility. It features a user-oriented WYS/WYG, graphical interface that lets the user place objects such as text, images and graphics on the page using drag-and-drop techniques. Relative positioning, conditional placement and arithmetic functions are accomplished using icons. The document can be viewed on a local laser printer prior to production. DOC1's tedxt editing and formatting capabilities include proportional and multiple fonts, logos, images, boxes, and rules.

Nick Pitocco

Operations Manager
Group 1 Software Inc.
4200 Parliament Place
Suite 600
Lanham, MD 20706-1844
(301) 918-0870
(301) 918-0463 (fax)